Thursday, June 9, 2011

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  • palnati
    07-20 01:48 PM
    It doesn't matter. You can file G-325 or G-325A.

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  • reddymjm
    05-01 09:47 AM
    Cool down and complete your story. Hopefully You did not file ur case like this. Just kidding.

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  • jonty_11
    02-09 10:13 AM
    I fully believe in court systems in USA, and feel that we should file the lawsuit. The bills like CIR or SKIL wont see the daylight in political fights
    The Judicial system is run by Bush and et al..they wont listen to soemone who they are not answerable to.

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  • ExoVoid
    06-13 05:21 AM
    CONFUSED: what is up with those percentages, my count is just a bit above 100...
    I get approx 600%


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  • needhelp!
    11-15 09:46 AM
    Few days back I was talking to two members from a district in texas where these two were the only members (state chapter members. I am sure there are a hundred others who live there, but have not joined our chapter) These two have taken the initiative to go and meet their local congressman, even though it means a two hour drive for one of them (Texas districts are big)

    It is very heartening to see this happening, and if everyone just goes and meets their own representative, and makes him aware of our issues, we will be moving in the right direction.

    Please join your state chapter, talk to others (WE ARE ALL SIMPLE PEOPLE, JUST LIKE YOU) who are doing it and be inspired to do the same.

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  • JunRN
    11-09 12:00 AM
    That same link you gave tells us that 655k is pending/back-log for AOS....


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  • ps57002
    10-10 05:42 AM
    I'm working for nonprofit so am cap exempt...but I know my employer won't want to go through it all if it costs more $.

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  • rad pitt wedding band. Jennifer Aniston And Brad Pitt; Jennifer Aniston And Brad Pitt. Macinthetosh. Apr 22, 04:19 PM

  • lagsam
    07-22 07:26 PM
    We have the same case. Our AP's (mine, my wife's and daughter's) are expiring next month. Fortunately, I have a close friend and an immigration attorney.

    He said that it is not mandatory to renew the APs. Unless to you wanted to travel outside of the US, then you will need to renew your APs. If they are expired, you need to apply for a new one.

    Three of us are paroled.

    He also explained that it will not affect your AOS.

    I hope I was able to help you.

    FYI--this was the explaination of my immigration attorney. I am not an immigration attorney myself.



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  • IfYouSeekAmy
    01-11 03:43 PM
    I disagree. DV may not have relevance to you but to a person who does not have an advance degree but still would like to come here to live,work and have a better standard of life it is still VERY relevant. Remember that this country was built by IMMIGRANTS not neccessarily by immigrants with advanced degrees.

    NO co-sponsors. This bill is going nowhere, even though I will jump with joy if it is passed. DV has no relevance right now and the country is diverse enough. Good idea to eliminate DV and add that to EB, but not going to happen. This congress is going to be a crab jar, one climbing up and others pulling down... nothing will get done.

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  • arrarrgee
    07-17 02:39 PM
    I second that...Why should there be a link between his req and his contribution? If we are able to answer/clarify whatever doubt he has..probably he would see the value in continuing with the group and probably contribute too...else no first timers would ever wanna join us

    can you please help me link the connection between my request and my contribution to IV? I fail to undersand your point!


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  • luckylavs
    05-15 12:30 PM
    Gurus: Any idea if there will be visa movement for IN in the near future...

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  • dpsg
    04-08 11:02 AM
    As always appreciate your efforts.


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  • eb3retro
    05-14 10:46 PM
    I already contributed after hearing the news that my pd is current.

    Will continue to contribute in future.

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  • leoindiano
    07-09 01:08 PM
    Lot of our friends are waiting from 1998... Please wait, your turn will come.:o

    This is about I-140 and Premium Processing. In 1998, there was no premium processing. Looks like you have no idea. Where do you come from? are you a stealth user? are you betsy ross?


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  • santa123
    08-15 07:21 AM
    Welcome back vdlrao...
    what does the SEP VB indicate to you?
    you had predicted that there will be a mild retro and does the fwd movement indicate better days ahead?

    We IVians look fwd to your analysis and insight. Thanks!

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  • Dakota Newfie
    03-27 09:18 AM
    My immigration attorney said it was OK for my wife to "volunteer" as long as the work was "volunteer", i.e. something a US citizen could "volunteer" to do.
    She volunteered to work at a local library and it was a good diversion until they set a schedule for her and removed a job posting in the same library - then it became both a question of her being exploited and taking a job away from a US citizen, so she had to give it up. So, the lessen is, if it is truly volunteer work, then your spouse should be able to set his/her own schedule; if the schedule is set for him/her, then it becomes a problem.


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  • gvenkat
    01-07 08:29 PM
    THe Lottery is the dumbest piece to obtain GC. Imagine some guy who does nothing to the USA applies, comes here sucks the $$ out of the system by coming here, staying here and enjoying all monetray benefits of a GC like unemployment benefits etc

    If this passes. THere would be a huge relief among people who have advanced degrees

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  • arnet
    11-24 06:20 PM
    thatz gr8, always dont lose hope, keep trying....good luck...

    Thanks arnet ,
    As you mentioned i kept checking the chennai consulate, and it opened up like a blessing in disguise, with slots again and i was able to get my dates .Only problem was it forced me to cancel my earlier appointment and redo all the application again .That was because i had booked an appointment with Mumbai consulate in distress of not finding any with chennai .

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  • GCnew
    03-17 12:45 PM
    No. I sent my application in June. It was received on June 19th.

    Its good to be optmisitic but one thing I have learnt after waiting for so long for my green card is that this process is so screwed up that you can never expected anything that would follow a common sense of logic.

    03-06 05:13 PM
    My filing date is July 2nd and notice date is Aug 27th.

    03-04 11:06 PM
    I don't understand why anyone would want to let Kirupa have any control over this site.

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