Thursday, June 9, 2011

relocation cover letter samples

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  • nidar
    03-05 11:04 AM
    just did

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  • ita
    01-23 03:15 PM
    Did you mean the perosn filling the form or people visiting (between 15-55 years of age?)

    I finished D156 but didn't show 157 form

    Thank you.

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  • relocation cover letter samples. Good Sample Cover Letter; Good Sample Cover Letter. 0815. May 2, 04:57 PM. No, Microsoft have not got it right.

  • felix31
    04-18 03:20 PM
    I hope I interpret this correctly.

    Only cases filed after April 1st will be going into Nebraska-texas centers for processing.
    Which means, earlier cases that are already filed will be processed where they were filed...

    I have no clue how they decide which case will stay in nebraska and which will be transfered to texas.

    In my case, I-140 was sent to Nebraska on April 6th and when I received receipt notice 10 days later; first three letters showed that the case has been transfered to Texas, hence texas issued receipt number...and they will be processing the case..

    Since you filed in vermont - you are fine, you will get it processed from vermont. If you filed concurrently with I-485 then that application too will be processed in vermont.
    The new rule and transfer of cases applies to cases applied on or after April 1st 2006

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    06-02 01:09 PM
    Isnt all that in picture only when you are travelling outside ?


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  • mrdelhiite
    08-07 10:42 AM
    You also need to include the filled in Form I-134.

    if my wife is already in US on H4 do i need to file a I-134 ,I-864 too ??

    Also do i need to add my tax return, my I20 and my paystubs with application. She just came into country so she does not have any tax rerurn of her own nor any I20 or any paystubs of her own.. Please suggest.


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  • relocation cover letter samples. Cover letter given here is; Cover letter given here is. Arcus. Aug 16, 08:41 AM. I sure hope they announce something about

  • Higcoptimist
    05-15 09:05 PM

    Well, Bush has delivered his address on the immigration subject. Unless I am missing something, not a word was said about the Legal Immigration or the H1Bs. All the focus was on the illegal immigrants and the border enforcement.

    Does that mean that the Legal ones like us are in the backburner? Would the Senate and the house focus only on the illegals and give them the path to citizenship, leaving those who played by the rules, in the lurch? What kind of justice is this in the "Land of Justice"?

    I hope the senators and the representatives are sensible and leave the provisions for the EBs in the proposed bill, alone.

    Hoping for the best.



    relocation cover letter samples. relocation cover letter
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  • cool_guy_onnet1
    06-01 01:49 PM
    Hers's the SOURCE...

    Let's fill the mailboxes over the weekend... I am driving to Atlantic city-- Worse the traffic, better for IV!! I will be calling for 3 full hours! Love my Blackberry 8800, fill in the numbers and just keep calling using "auto dial next feature"!
    First ITEM in the list

    relocation cover letter samples. relocation cover letter
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  • simple1
    09-13 12:25 PM
    Let's not fool ourselves with these petty differences.


    Healthcare debate is a good indicator of what is coming next... fasten your seat belts and be ready!

    I agree, health care reform discussion is a good indicator of the intensity of CIR discussion. We need to be ready.


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  • Danko
    11-27 03:46 AM
    Honestly, what does it even matter if it is MS biased? He works at MS, and has every right to focus on that content. :P

    I knew it.. :beer2:

    Someone said:

    It�s hard to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.

    btw I am the C# .NET developer, I use it on the server-side all the time - I love it!!
    But honestly - every MS client side techology till now (classic forms&post backs... Atlas/MS Ajax) sucked when having a more complex project.

    ps. I will install Expression Blend today or tomorrow and start working with it... :geek: However, I know that solutions that work cross-platform and cross-OS currently come from Adobe only (AIR). ;) So I think it's at least worth mentioning...

    relocation cover letter samples. relocation cover letter
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  • gchopes
    08-04 09:41 AM
    The following message from murhy forum over 3 years ago is still true. Correct? I cannot mail the renewed parole to my wife if she stays beyond the expiry of current parole.
    It is not permissable for an individual to leave the United States during the validity of one Advance Parole document and return upon the validity of a second Advance Parole document.

    In such circumstances and after such travel, the USCIS may deem that the adjustment of status application has been abandoned.



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  • suryamanikanth
    04-17 02:23 PM
    OP already mentioned the change was expected in the NOC list [On-Demand occupation list of Alberta]. Nobody told it would be closed after April 15. Did you see all the postings here before blaming others?

    hey dude there's nothing in the url u posted once go to the website and click the the pressure list url.that is the actual Noc codes that are active.Today morning when i spoke to the immigraton officer in alberta he was the one who told me ok.

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  • ssdtm
    10-13 03:34 PM
    You are going there for a visa as a professional ( in IT, medicine etc). Dress like a professional. Need not be in a tie, but semi formal is recommended. How you carry yourself speaks about you. There is no rule, no norm, and no guideline but when it comes to communication, non-verbal communication counts a lot.


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  • DDash
    11-10 03:36 PM
    Go for it! She can volunteer (obviously, she cannot get paid for the work she will do). I think it is a great idea to volunteer to establish connections and gain work experience to get ready for a real job.

    My wife did the same thing when she was on H-4 and HR had no issues with that.


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  • Beemar
    12-14 11:41 PM
    Dude, are you serious? You will, only possibly, be laid off in April next year. Means you have got 4 months to find yourself a new job. You already are in I-485 stage, so you don't need any immediate visa to maintain status. And you are telling me you are distressed?

    Grow up. I know many guys who are already sitting without job and valid status for 6 months, and even more. I mean, I can't believe you are serious.


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  • justice4all
    02-25 05:01 PM
    My son got his FAFSA approved last year. I am on H1 and he is on H4. Your daughter either way on H4 or EAD qualifies for FAFSA. If you have questions, you can call FAFSA directly and they are very helpful.

    Good Luck..


    Hi rameshvaid,
    Are you sure, H4 qualifies for FAFSA. My wife is on H4 and she doesnt have SSN. I think if one has SSN, it doesnt matter whether they are in H1, H4, F1, EAD .. they can apply for FAFSA. Am I right?


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  • vxg
    09-08 03:01 PM
    Got the cards in the mail. My online case status says the application is still pending.

    Folks (those whose PDs are current this month),

    Check with your attorney, in your mail boxes along with the online USCIS case status. You may get the good news in your mail box or from your attorney's office before your status is updated online.

    This is what my attorney had to say:

    The USCIS online status system is maintained by contract workers and is often inaccurate.
    Thanks for starting this. I am in same boat, i called TSC and the IO told me my case was approved on 9/4/09 and i have an LUD on 9/4/09 however online status says case pending. I asked that to the IO and she says she does not know about the online status but in there system it is approved. I did that after i received a call from an IO from local field office ( i went for Infopass last week at local office) informing that my and my wife's cases were approved on 9/4/09.
    I am hoping to get the cards as have to travel to India next week. The IO in Texas advised me to get the Passport stamped.


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  • myuname
    06-25 11:50 AM
    Anybody else in the same boat?

    I'd say proceed with filing 485 for now and later you can think about porting etc.
    Rather try filing it yourself and save lawyer fees ($1500 per primary applicant and $2000 for primary + dependent? geez this is a special offer?)

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  • pappu
    10-01 12:21 PM
    I suggest reading the documents uploaded here.
    I will be uploading some more documents related to I485 processing later today

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  • th3thirdman
    03-30 07:05 AM
    Ok sorry if I post this in the wrong place. So I married my wife in 2004 and we began the immigration fillings right away. so you know I was turned away at the border in 2000 because I was going to stay with my wife and her family for 3 months.
    When they asked why they would put me up for that long, I told them they were like my adopted family. they still turned me away saying that the money I had at the time $300 was not enough to support my self for that time. this was summer break from school. So that is from my record and the officer who interviewed me wrote in his report that I intended to be adopted for immigration purposes. I think he just mis understood me. ok so that is in the noid. when we went to the first interview the woman was hostile towards my wife and I asking about our age and how we met we are 22 years apart in age. we provided her with documents some bills, photos and joint bank account statement. this is all we had in the first 4 months of out marriage. she asked repeatedly why we had not made any major joint purchases Why we didn't have joint health care. both because I had just started working and had not saved money yet.
    We had a second interview to which we took the same documents and more. This interview was short. The interviewer was professional and asked alot of yes and yes questions and would stop us from going on more then that. he said that he had to talk with his supervisor and we would hear from him with in six months. So nothing from them from them for 4 years I called the help line once a year and kept up my EAD and worked full time. Then 2 guys showed up and asked to be showed around the house. we let them in and they interviewed us they took some photos and said have a good day.
    Then 6 months later we received our first NOID. Stating that I had been turned away the one time and that I had said I was to be adopted. That I was in a relationship with a person that does not exists. They pointed out that there were photos of my wife with her ex-husband on the walls.
    So we go see some lawyers talk to like 6 of them and picked the one who seemed best. talked to people in out community friends who had immigrated. ects. so his plan was to withdraw and file anew to get a fresh first interview. So we refiled with a stack of documents 4 inches thick. insurance, all of our bill, tax returns, car payments. anything we could think of.
    So we get anther interview dude takes us back to his office. asked me the basic security questions. and sent me away. Then told my wife and lawyer that the first filing was denied and letters sent. and that they never received our letter withdrawing the first filing. we never received their denial letter. He said he would review out case and the new documents. he sent a NOID for the second filing like 4 months later. So we responded to the noid with a letter from my wife and I refuting the noid line by line. And with letters from friends PHD professors at the local collages. about 10 - 15 all in all and we have not had a reply from them. So the layer said that we had to wait on the USCIS to make the next move. is this so is there anything we can do to move this along? should we switch lawyers? we really like the man we have but I dont know its been over a year now.

    sorry for the poor grammar its really late here. thanks for your health.

    08-20 12:06 PM
    Ron says, The USCIS teleconference concerning implementation of PL 111-230 provided the following information:

    * The effective date of the new law was August 14, 2010 and all petition submissions postmarked on or after that date are subject to the new tax.
    * The new tax only applies to companies that have:
    o 50 or more full and part time employees in the US; and
    o At least 50% of those employees hold H1B or L status.
    * If an employee has an EAD, but is working using an H1B, that employee counts toward the total. If the employee works using his or her EAD, however, the employee does not count.
    * The new tax only applies to new H filings (including change of employer filings)
    * The new tax DOES NOT apply to extensions or amendments
    * The total new tax is $2,000, not the higher amount originally feared
    * The CIS confirmed that the additional fee must be paid by the petitioner and not the employee
    * Both full and part time employees count toward the 50 employee threshold
    * Any L2 employees, working using an EAD, also count toward the total
    * The CIS is in the process of developing a new I-129 form to capture information concerning the new fee
    * The CSC and VSC are attempting to screen existing cases, with filing postmarks on or after August 14th. For those that are found likely to be subject to the new tax, they will issue RFEs
    * DO NOT send checks to the CIS for the additional fee until you receive an RFE.
    * New filings by exempt companies should include a signed attestation that they are not subject to the new tax.
    * Best practice, use a separate check for the new fee.

    02-15 10:11 AM
    Definitely an idea worth considering. Of late we hvae had too many "new members" who turn out to be 2-3 post wonders - get their questions answered and vanish without a trace. But given the subsidy mentality prelavent among our "educated and skilled" community, I doubt the idea will fly.

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